Are you interested in a personal appearance with Warren, Joe or both? With protocols for a safe gathering being observed during this time of pandemic, smaller House Concerts and other live events will be considered. We are truly honored to share at your event!
For scheduling either or both of them, Please contact Warren Matson at: 414-403-5083 or email: asongcanchangealife@gmail.com
is a truly gifted singer/musician. For Church appearances, Joe is wonderful at leading congregations of many different traditions in a time of worship. Joe could also be a featured guest, sharing special music for the occasion.
is currently in a preaching rotation at Wellington Park Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI. He is a Licensed Minister with the Wisconsin Northern Michigan Assemblies of God. His messages on the Ministry of Reconciliation are relevant to relationships in the family, in the church and cross-culturally in our communities. Email or call him at: